Topographic Survey
A Topographic Survey prepared by LS TECH Land Surveying & Engineering, PLLC (LS TECH). The limits for the topographic survey will be specifically established in the specific requirements for your project. An approximate project limit is defined. Property possession lines within the project limits will be clearly identified in the Topographic survey.Prior to commencing work on the Topographic and Utility Surveys, resumes of all personnel proposed for the survey work. Plan and profile drawings and a baseline map will be produced under this task, and all field and office work will be considered as part of this task. All requirements for the topographic and utility survey work will be set forth in the contract documents and will be performed using the English System of measurement.
All Right of Way (ROW) data, including baseline (centerline of ROW), baseline ties to survey control traverse, and the location of possession and property lines shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a New York State Licensed Land Surveyor.
The composite utility plan will be prepared by a New York State licensed professional engineer. The Datum plane for the topographic survey will be “As in use” by the Brooklyn Boro President’s office.
All streets, pavements, and curbs will be shown on the Topographic Survey. Also, all properties, walls, overhead structures, surface drainage structures, utilities including overhead utilities, surface features, subsurface features, and trees will be indicated.
The topographic and utility surveys will be prepared by means of standard electronic/manual methods to produce utility/composite plans per the contract specifications. All elements of the topographic survey shall be referenced by the station and offset to a Center Line Baseline for the mapped street, which will be coordinated into the coordinated survey traverse. This shall be performed in accordance with the current DDC Departmental Standards.
As a deliverable, LS TECH Land Surveying & Engineering, PLLC (LS TECH) will provide a Topographic survey as described above and a Composite Utility Plan, clearly identifying all utilities within the project limits. All survey work will conform to the project specifications, including standards for minimum accuracy and error of closure.